
Building the Corporate University

" The most Important thing a company has are its intellectual assets, therefore ongoing learning is essential for corporate survival in today's global world"


Corporate University Definition: A corporate university is  both a learning and educational process designed to help an organization accomplish its mission and straregic business plan by strengthening individual and organizational learning, knolwedge, competencies and skills.


Rationale and Drivers:

- Growth - Expand and dominate global markets through

                 smarter management.


- Talent - Make lesarning a competitive advantage for attracting

                and retaining talent.


- Culture - Build a organization to exceed customers' expectations.


- Knowledge - Promote knowledge sharing and adoption of best practices.


- Alignment - Make learning strategies and programs consistent



- Accountability - Demonstrate learning's impact on business results.



Major Corporate University Components:

- Clearinghouse - Promote ideas and programs related to learning.


- Courses - Develop curricula and evaluate external vendor offerings.


- Events - Create learning conferences and seminars.


- Knowledge - Structire formal programs and encourage

                       transfer of expertise.


- Internal Communities - Sharing functional knowledge.


- Partnerships - Connect employees and managers to universities.


- Technology - Adopt state-of- the technology and expand online



- Orientation - Develop communication to teach new hires how

                        to contribute.


Critical Success Factors:

- Proactively doing research, field visits and interviews.


- Unified strategy across all functional units.


- Aligned with corporate business and strategic priorities.


- Learning resources focused on critical business challenges.


- Learning linked to career paths and management continuity.


- Specific metrics aligned to critical drivers.


- Programs that support the desired corporate culture.


- Core values and strategy reinforced by CEO, senior management

   and all teams.


- Collaborative shared silo mentality.


- Consolidated programs sharing resources across corporate functions.



Corporate University Design Phases:

- Phase 1 - Project mobilization.


- Phase 2 - Current state assessment.


- Phase 3 - Benchmarking.


- Phase 4 - High level design


- Phase 5 - Development of business case.


- Phase 6 - Detailed design and development


- Phase 7 - Implementation


- Phase 8 - On going evaluation and renewal



Examples of Well-Known Corporate Universities:

- Motorola

- McDonalds

- Boeing


- Caterpillar

- GM

- GE

- Dell

- HP

- Shell





Closing Thought!


The question is not: "What if I train them and they leave?"


The question is: "What if I don'train them and they stay?"